Plantago Major

The common Plantain is easily confused with the broadleaf  weed, which is found on lawns, waste areas and paddocks.  Identification of the common Plantain would be its characteristic flower spike with long spear-like leaves, not the cluster of round leaves common of the broadleaf plantain. All can be used for medicinal purposes.

It’s a handy first aid herb for insect bites, stings, scrapes and other minor skin irritations. Instead of thinking it’s a “weed” and remove it from your garden, you might consider leaving it where it’s handy.General uses:
Insect bites, scrapes, scratches: Plantain is a great healer for minor cuts and very soothing for itchy skin. Pick fresh leaves and roll until they are soft and pliable then apply to the skin.
Sore Ears: Squeeze the juice from plantain leaves (using a blender works well here.) Add to some warm olive oil. Put three drops into each ear. Good for inflamed, sore, blocked ears.
Coughs: An infusion, by pouring a cup of boiling water on to a small handful of fresh plantain leaves and leave to steep for 10 minutes will help clear mucus from the lungs. Three cups a day is recommended.
Spiritually: Plantain is classed as the supreme cleanser and giver of life. It helps to clear out inner sources of irritation, congested thoughts or fixed ways which will be loosened up and greater clarity will be created. Through this type of adjustment and re-balancing, a new life can be created.