Dr Chris Ramsay
Phone: 09 239 2837
Email: drchris@chiropracticedge.co.nz
Website: www.chiropracticedge.co.nz
35 King Street, Pukekohe, 2120
Open to ALL

Chiropractor (haumanu o te pūnaha io)
At Chiropractic Edge you will receive exceptional service from our experienced chiropractors who are specialists in your nervous system and the function of your body.
Our aim is to provide the best possible chiropractic care in the most time and cost effective way by reducing the burden and impact on your life of a poorly functioning body and working to restore and strengthen your body as quickly as possible so you can get back to doing the things you need and love to do more effectively.
It’s as simple as that!
Your initial consultation includes a thorough physical and neurological exam, a state of the art thermography scan and an individualised care program designed to help you achieve your health goals. The chiropractors present valuable health and wellness talks to the community and local businesses.
In our office we see newborns to the elderly and specialise in gentle, effective natural family wellness care. Chiropractic can help improve pregnancy and birth outcomes, childhood and parental wellbeing and enhance sports performance.
Chiropractors help the body restore proper function to the spine and Nervous System therefore maximising the bodies ability to heal and thrive. Chiropractic can give you and your family the edge on life – get your spine and nervous system checked today!!
Chiropractors: Dr Chris Ramsay, Dr Yi Huang, Dr Abdul Awan, Dr Taylor Martin,Dr Whitney Chicoine
Qualifications and Member Associations
- Bachelor of Chiropractic, New Zealand College of Chiropractic
- Director of Chiropractic
- Business partner Chiropractic Edge